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EP047: Hannah Corne on a shocking wake-up call

guests podcast Jun 01, 2019

We all know that taking care of ourselves first is important. The whole oxygen mask in the airplane explanation. Thing is, we hear it so much that some of us may feel it's over-stated and exaggerated; that we can keep pushing ourselves to the bottom of a to-do list when something feels a bit off.

This week's guest on MamaFuel is living proof that putting yourself last can have grave consequences for you and your family. Hannah Corne is an accomplished marathon runner and triathlete, the founder of the UK's branch of the Mini Mermaid Running Club, a mum of two and so much more. Earlier this year she started to notice her eyesight changing, and when she eventually went to have it checked, was told she had cancer in her eye. Within three weeks her eye (and the cancer) had been removed.

Our conversation was moving, raw and so beautiful. I admire Hannah for her courage facing into the terrifying prospect of cancer, learning to live without her left eye and for her willingness to share her story so soon after living through it.

What really sticks with me from our conversation is that Hannah finally got her eyes checked out of a feeling of responsibility to others on the road and to her children -- not a feeling of responsibility for herself or her own well-being. It highlighted for me how DEEP is the learning that we must care for others first and always, no matter the cost to ourselves. It's such a toxic belief, and it's got to stop.

Hannah is contributing to changing the messages women get about their self-care through her work with girls aged 7 - 11. Together with her coaching team at Mini Mermaid Running Club UK, Hannah helps the next generation develop emotional resilience, self-love and a passion for fitness. I wish such a programme had been around when my oldest was seven, and hope you'll take Hannah up on her generous offer to reach out to her for more information about the Club or anything else that sparked your interest during our conversation. You can reach Hannah directly here

If you'd like to learn more about the work the Mini Mermaid Running Club is doing to foster self-belief and resilience in young girls, click here to reach them in the UK, here to reach them in the US and here to reach them in Switzerland

I hope you'll go have all your checkups after this episode. I hope you'll look at yourself as the precious being that you really are. I hope that you'll hear your body's plea to take loving care of her. I certainly heard mine as I spoke to Hannah. And I hope that you'll reach out and share your story with others, and ask for help when you need it. It really could save your life. 


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